Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

6 survey respondents

Location: 1222 Preservation Park Way, Oakland, 94612 CA

EIN: 94-3136771

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What was the overall relationship with the funder?

How many hours did the grant application process take?

2 hours




How would you rate this funder's accessibility?



How successfully do you think the funder is accomplishing its current philanthropic goals?

Important Information

2017 Deadlines:

Types of Grants Awarded:

Geographic Focus:


Key Personnel

Financial Summary

For Fiscal Year

Total Assets:

Total Grants:

Change in Assets FY :

Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:

Sample Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits in

Largest Grant:

Smallest Grant:

Average Grant:

Top descriptors for this funder

3Reasonable character restrictions3Reasonable reporting terms3Positive leader in the field2Risk taker1"Gets" nonprofits and issues1Builds relationships1Friendly1Gives more than money1Likes site visits1Responsive

Advice from a Friend

Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

Jul 28, 2017 1

Grant Applicant - applied before 2014

Quirky and frequently unpredictable. Many of the grants are made for specific individual donors, so there aren't consistent priorities or processes. Which fund your grant came from is a mystery.
There are two senior people, who basically seem to run two separate foundations with virtually no overlap.

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May 03, 2017

Reviewer 675 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2017

This fund has regional staff and contacts, so find the person in your County who will be your contact.


Positive leader in the field, Gives more than money, Friendly, Builds relationships, Likes site visits, "Gets" nonprofits and issues, Responsive

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Apr 27, 2017 1

Grant Applicant - applied in 2017

PVF is great about listening to what you, as a non-profit, need. They are also pretty straight-forward regarding the areas they will and will not fund. And they will give you an answer almost right away. PVF is also great for new nonprofits, because they will serve as a designated fund until an organization receives their nonprofit status.


Reasonable character restrictions, Reasonable reporting terms, Risk taker

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Feb 09, 2017

Grant Applicant - applied in 2014

Our contact was most helpful. He has not only funded us, but introduced us to other foundations that might fund us as well.


Reasonable character restrictions, Reasonable reporting terms, Positive leader in the field

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Feb 09, 2017

Grant Applicant - applied in 2016

PVF is one of our most responsive funders. Asking for a relationship is not necessary because they create it! Street Level Health is grateful for the space to be innovative in serving the most disenfranchised in Alameda County.


Reasonable character restrictions, Reasonable reporting terms, Positive leader in the field

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Feb 07, 2017

Partner or work closely with this funder

This is a great, if somewhat confusing, foundation. It helps to have a relationship with one of the board members, or the founder. They are very hands on, very local, and willing to take risks.


Risk taker

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Philanthropic Ventures Foundation