1 survey respondents
Location: 2233 Wisconsin Ave Nw Ste 414, Washington, 20007 DC
EIN: 13-1687573
15 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Grant Applicant - applied in 2019
This funder clearly states how it likes applications to be formated. Yet, as a national funder with broad, vague eligibility guidelines, it's likely a very, very, very competitive application. We don't know though because the foundation is not transparent or accessible.
Applied and not funded
Although the funder clearly states how and what it wants in an application, overall the foundation staff are nearly inaccessible.
As the foundation states its goals, it seems to fund nationally with small grants that have a large impact.
I yearn for this foundation to be more transparent and accessible. With its wide and generous funding parameters, I imagine it receives an unbelievable number of applications to sort through. I want to know more about the sorting process. I think it would save the foundation staff and the multiple applying organizations a collective TON of time to know more about what reduces the number of submitted applications down to the number that actually receives grant awards. Could the foundation be more clear about what its funding parameters are? We received a letter that simply said, "that due to a limited amount of funding available, and the large number of grant proposals received by the Foundation, we are unable to assist your organization at the present time." We understand that every grant opening has a budget limit. Were we 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 or 1 in 1,000 that were not funded? How do we decide if it's worth our time to apply again? Is there a way for the foundation to create clearer eligibility guidelines so that they receive fewer applications? Therefore, fewer nonprofit organizations would waste valuable staff time applying.
In my opinion, a grant application shouldn't feel like a gamble. A throw of the dice. A grant application opening should have clearer parameters, fewer applicants to sort through, and a lot less time wasted on the schedules of foundation staff and likely 100s of nonprofit organization's staff members.
I love how it funds nationally with small grants that have a large impact. It such a relief to see this as a rural nonprofit representative.