1 survey respondents
Location: 55 Lane Road, Fairfield, 07004 NJ
EIN: 13-1962255
18 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
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Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
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Grant Applicant - applied in 2022
This funder requires a great deal of detail, including a log frame and a very detailed budget. Pulling this application together takes a long time and a lot of concentration. Be warned: don't use the "download questions for preview" questions from their website. These questions are out-of-date and they don't match the questions in the actual online application form.
Grant currently pending
I really appreciate the "Application Process & Materials" page on their website, but the steps are out of date. For example, the instructions to get how-to advice for the Log Frame off Tools4Dev is incomplete, as that resource has multiple different methods for Log Frames, none of which quite match the Log Frame template given by TIF.
The worst is the Preview Proposal questions - a pdf download purporting to be the questions from the application. The instructions literally say, "Download the questions for preview, prepare your answers and have them available when you apply online." There are no character limits mentioned on this sheet.
I spent many hours carefully honing my answers to the questions on this pdf, sending them to our overseas rep to confirm, polishing them, etc., only to sign onto the actual application and discover *different questions* as well as very precise character limits. Plus a request for reports submitted in past years that was never mentioned anywhere on the website. This caused a great deal of frustration and overwhelm after what was already a fairly involved proposal process.
It's difficult to say. It seems strange that the question they are most interested in (the one with the largest character limit, 10,000 characters) is the Problem Statement. An organization interested in solving a problem should be at least equally interested in the ways a solution addresses the problem, rather than fixating on the problem to the exclusion of the solution, especially since culturally-appropriate, nuanced solutions are the most likely to result in sustained success on the ground. It feels like the International Foundation is more focused on controlling minute details than engaging with the complex interplay of human issues underlying the problems these communities are facing. It's so difficult to make lasting solutions without trusting the people working on the ground to know their stuff.
Please make sure that your helpful step-by-step guides are up-to-date! Your guide is clearly intended to save your orgs time, but it is currently doing the opposite because it needs to be updated. This wastes time and money, as the grantwriters have to do the same work twice.