Google Foundation

4 survey respondents

Location: 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, 94043 CA

EIN: 20-1548253

Write a Review



What was the overall relationship with the funder?

How many hours did the grant application process take?

20 hours




How would you rate this funder's accessibility?



How successfully do you think the funder is accomplishing its current philanthropic goals?

Important Information

2017 Deadlines:

Types of Grants Awarded:

Geographic Focus:


Key Personnel

Financial Summary

For Fiscal Year

Total Assets:

Total Grants:

Change in Assets FY :

Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:

Sample Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits in

Largest Grant:

Smallest Grant:

Average Grant:

Top descriptors for this funder

3Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues2Bureaucratic2Culturally incompetent2Difficult to work with1Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field

Advice from a Friend

Google Foundation

Feb 07, 2020

Reviewer 4846 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2019

No feedback will be shared with the non-profit on your application. Hard to know what they want or what their priorities are.

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Oct 24, 2019

Reviewer 583 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2018

I don’t like the fact that “the public” votes on the 10 finalists. Here’s why:
1. This takes the responsibility off of Google for who they award the money to
2. The public doesn’t understand the complexities of nonprofit and social work, so they will pick something flashy, or an app, instead of an innovative approach that involves hard work and (gasp) People!
3. A vote favors larger and more visible nonprofits who can rally their supporters to vote, and discriminates against smaller nonprofit with great ideas who don't have the time or people to spend on a voting campaign to win the grant.
4. Of a panel of 10 judges, only 3 are from the nonprofit/social justice sector.


Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues

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Apr 20, 2018

Grant Applicant - applied in 2015

They were unprofessional and not very knowledgeable about the spaces they were funding. They contacted us and a lot of other nonprofits as a way of learning about the space they were funding. They asked us for (several rounds of) proposals, and then said "we are shifting strategy". Our sense is that they are not professionally run, are more focused on the PR of doing good, and there is no accountability around creating actual impact.


Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field, Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Difficult to work with, Culturally incompetent, Bureaucratic

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Jun 14, 2017

Grant Applicant - applied in 2015

Be careful engaging with Google - they have inexperienced staff, have a low understanding of the nonprofit sector, and seemed to be constantly shifting strategies.


Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Difficult to work with, Culturally incompetent, Bureaucratic

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Google Foundation