3 survey respondents
Location: 1234 Market St Ste 1800, Philadelphia, 19107 PA
EIN: 23-1581832
5 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Grant Applicant - applied in 2019
They are open to meetings but the answers you receive are pretty noncommittal. I think the answer to everyone is "it's worth it to apply" even if it's not.
Positive leader in the field, Gives more than money, Builds relationships, Responsive
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
All and all, The Philadelphia Foundation is a supportive funder partner to so many organizations in our region. But it is disappointing to see them try to respond to nonprofit needs, but still be mired in needless hoops. First it was jumping on the "public voting for grants" bandwagon which is unequitable. Now it is not requiring former grantees to submit the whole application - but not telling you that before you download the application to apply! Hours spent filling out the application only to not need that work. Sure, great exercise to answer questions but that time could be spent on other things - like furthering the mission.
Their portfolio is so large yet they focus on impact and outcomes when I think they should just be focusing on funding nonprofit sustainability through general operating grants vs program support. I see them trying to do this, but there are so many donor advised funds they are administering now that it's getting muddled.
Respond to requests for meetings and feedback.
Reviewer 7538 - Professional in the field
I never advise organizations to apply to the Foundation. The application process is long and tedious and not worth the effort. That is unless you have a connection to a board member or the President.
Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field, Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Difficult to work with, Culturally incompetent, Bureaucratic
Professional in the field
The foundation is primarily focussed on donors and not the community. Also, you must demonstrate a high level of efficiency and effectiveness to get support. Kind of like scholarships that only go to straight A students.
Walk the walk. Demonstrate that you genuinely care about the entire community. Open yourselves up to collaboration and partnerships. Stop perpetuating the "Us vs. Them" dynamic. Share some of your power with those that you are "helping"
Touting it's fundraising successes Distancing itself from smaller orgs doing challenging work Practicing inequity & exclusion Facilitating the Nonprofit Hunger Games
Grant Applicant - applied in 2015
This foundation is very open to dialogue. It's a good idea to meet with them before you submit a proposal, and once they bring you on as a grantee, they can be a real resource to you. They truly understand positive youth development, and want to see a real commitment to supporting youth leaders within their Fund for Children grantees.
Positive leader in the field, Friendly, Builds relationships, Likes site visits, Responsive
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
I think they're extremely committed not just to supporting the work of youth development through their funding, but also in helping their grantees make connections with each other and develop best practices. They're professional development opportunities are also very useful and excellent most of the time.
Keep on working on developing a solid network of youth development organizations in Philly.
They listen well, and find ways to be truly helpful.