2 survey respondents
Location: 1265 Lombardi Ave, Green Bay, 54304 WI
EIN: 39-1577137
8 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Grant Applicant - applied in 2018
They have a 3-year cycle for funding for different types of organizations and their grants are pretty small (generally less than $5K), so it's important to think about whether it's worth it. After you apply you meet with a trustee who makes your case to the larger board. I got the impression that that meeting was the most important part. They want to fund across the state and give lots of organizations a chance, which is great, but also means low grant awards.
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
Their online application is straightforward and during the application process they're reasonably responsive, but there aren't program officers to meet with, only the trustees.
They want to broadly support organizations across Wisconsin, which is what they're doing. But the funding amounts are so low that unless a program cost is very low, the grant amounts will only cover a very small portion. The trustee I met with also really wanted to know how their funding will make a difference for your program, which seems ridiculous since it was such a small percentage of the program cost. But emphasizing how beloved the Packers are in Wisconsin and talking about how that funding could help leverage other funding seemed to be the right answer.
I admire their desire to spread funding around, but that makes their grant awards pretty small, almost too small to be very effective. So, perhaps fewer awards, with a more competitive process and larger grant amounts.
Reviewer 8414 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2017
Horrible experience, the Foundation decided to change funding criteria but gave no notice to the public. Not only did we not get funding (in fact we didn't even qualify under the new guidelines which weren't published). The denial letter also advised that since we applied, we CANT apply again until 2022.
Applied and not funded