5 survey respondents
Location: 60 S 6th St Ms P08, Minneapolis, 55402 MN
EIN: 41-6030639
10 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Reviewer 826 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2016
Call and have a conversation with the Foundation manager. She is very willing to help.
Positive leader in the field, Friendly, Builds relationships, "Gets" nonprofits and issues, Openminded, Responsive
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
Do not apply to RBC unless your organization has a current board member from the local RBC team.
Responds in a timely manner to matters of urgent concern.
More than 15
Reviewer 886 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2016
Need to have an employee who can sponsor your application. A board member from RBC is best. Another type of volunteer might be OK. NPOs need to leave the employee enough time to fill out the employee portion of the application after the NPO submits their part of the application.
Risk taker, Culturally sensitive
Current or former grantee
Funded for lesser amount
I had a question about making a change to the funded project. I sent emails and never received a response. We had to assume that the change was OK.
The application does not give us space to list goals for the current year's request. However, the reporting section ask us to outline the goals from the previous year. It would be helpful to add a section to the application that asks for current goals.
They are willing to fund projects that help build careers of newer artists and projects that increase arts access for diverse populations of students.
Grant Applicant - applied in 2016
Make sure you have a personal connection to RBC. For example, one of our board members works there. The application will ask who from RBC recommended that you apply.
Current or former grantee
Funded for lesser amount
The application was easy to fill out and save for later.
10 to 15 hours
Reviewer 515 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2016
There are different application deadlines for Minneapolis/St. Paul applicants compared to applicants outside the metro area. Must have an RBC employee endorse your application (instructions for this are in the online application). For current grantees, the previous year evaluation/report is embedded in the online application. Focus on youth development/afterschool programming.
Gives more than money, Insightful, Friendly, Builds relationships, Openminded, Responsive
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
Very friendly, accessible, and responsive! Responds to both phone and email inquiries.
In addition to grant funding, we've had highly-engaged RBC employees as Board members.
Has been a long-time funder of our organization and has managed to provide increases in grant funding over the years.
5 to 10 hours
Grant Applicant - applied in 2017
You definitely need to have a contact within the organization here. For example a board member, family member, etc. It is an online relationship other than our internal contact.
Positive leader in the field
Current or former grantee
Funded for lesser amount
They want to "improve the quality of life in the communities where we do business by supporting non-profit organizations that make a positive difference and promote diversity." I believe they are doing this for us, but feel we could be receiving a larger grant amount.
Maybe a more personal relationship with the fundee. I like the application a lot but feel there could be some dialog about what the gaps and needs of the org are and how they can be a part of the solution.
Is it possible for a larger grant amount in the future? Do you fund general operations? Do you fund new ideas/program/start up?
Funds annually/consistently