1 survey respondents
Location: 968 Chesterville Rd, Mineral Wells, 26150 WV
EIN: 55-0768879
5 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Grant Applicant - applied in 2017
Try to get invited to a board meeting, where you can make your project pitch in person. Board members do not respond much to calls or emails, and (to my knowledge) there is no administrative staff to attend to such things.
Risk taker, Friendly, Builds relationships, "Gets" nonprofits and issues, Openminded
West Virginia
Current or former grantee
Funded for amount requested
Very difficult to communicate with by phone or email, and the website doesn't contain much information. The people behind the organization, however, are very friendly and warm in person. You just have to find a way to meet them!
Looks like they are funding appropriate projects and organizations in WV to meet their stated goals.
Provide a little more information on website about what is funded, size of typical grants, range of grants, and examples of who/what has been funded in the past. That information helps prospective applicants weed themselves out before applying and/or better explain those aspects of their projects that will be most appealing to the Foundation.
The Dunn Foundation looks to be a small, family-run, shoe-string budget operation. As such, they seem to uniquely understand the challenges of non-profits (small, underfunded, don't have admin, take longer to do things than we'd like) and not penalize us for those realities.
Dunn Foundation has a short, simple, easy grant application and reporting process.