Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation

3 survey respondents

Location: 1326 5th Ave Ste 623, Seattle, 98101 WA

EIN: 80-0902398

Write a Review



What was the overall relationship with the funder?

How many hours did the grant application process take?

10 hours




How would you rate this funder's accessibility?



How successfully do you think the funder is accomplishing its current philanthropic goals?

Important Information

2017 Deadlines:

Types of Grants Awarded:

Geographic Focus:


Key Personnel

Financial Summary

For Fiscal Year

Total Assets:

Total Grants:

Change in Assets FY :

Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:

Sample Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits in

Largest Grant:

Smallest Grant:

Average Grant:

Top descriptors for this funder

1Bureaucratic1Culturally incompetent1Difficult to work with1Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues1Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field1"Gets" nonprofits and issues

Advice from a Friend

Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation

Jul 16, 2019

Grant Applicant - applied in 2019

The application was pretty straightforward and the turnaround time from applying to receiving a grant was less than one month.


"Gets" nonprofits and issues

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Apr 19, 2019

Reviewer 8718 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2017

The application is not complex, but it is frustrating that the funder never seems to provide the full amount requested.

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Jul 10, 2018

Grant Applicant - applied in 2017

Be specific and approach ONLY when you have a capital project that can be seen and/or touched- because they ask for far more of your time and resources than necessary in comparison to the grant size. You need to demonstrate exactly how that tangible item will help you meet outcomes or goals. And please be aware that they ask for MAILED copies (eyeroll) IN TRIPLICATE. Absolutely unnecessary. And there isn't anyone to speak to if you have questions.


Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field, Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Difficult to work with, Culturally incompetent, Bureaucratic

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Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation