1 survey respondents
Location: P.o. Box 751291, Dayton, 45475-1291 OH
EIN: 81-3151773
0 hours
2017 Deadlines:
Types of Grants Awarded:
Geographic Focus:
For Fiscal Year
Total Assets:
Total Grants:
Change in Assets FY :
Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:
Largest Grant:
Smallest Grant:
Average Grant:
Reviewer 2207 - Did not apply
I would not waste your time applying. It is not likely you will get in since you have to beat the clock to click Submit and don't know who else is in the running, so you will most likely spend an inordinate amount of time to write something up to submit, but will get knocked out of the box, making your effort a complete waste of time.
Inadvertently exerts negative influence in the field, Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Difficult to work with, Bureaucratic
Did not apply
If you want to limit to the first 100 applicants, then have it be such that if you get a link, you are one of the 100 in the running and will be in. It is a complete surprise that you can be one of the people to get a link to get in, then STILL be told "Well you did not click Submit as fast as someone else so you are excluded." That is not a professional way of doing business. It wastes the nonprofit's time, and nonprofits are always running on skeleton crews, etc.
Jul 23 2024 I applied January and they stipulate they only accept the first 100. Signed on on the first day of the cycle at about 1PM (opens 9AM) and it said "We have already reached 100 applications." Next cycle is July 8th. I put it on calendar to sign on literally at 1 minute past - This time they opened July cycle at 12PM to accommodate West Coast (which I am not by the way.) I went to site, hit refresh and waited for link to pop up. I got in and was able to fill in application. I had the answers all pre-formatted so it did not take too long to cut and paste, but hit "Submit," they just told me, at 12:20. Because of that, I got knocked out again. IOW others went in and filled out the form faster. So it is not getting in to get a link to fill it in; it is who gets a link and then fills out the form the fastest. ?????. So I just talked to Barb Clark Exec Secy. I told her I thought it was if you got in through the link. She says no it is when you click Submit. If I could get a link and still be knocked out, this means that they opened the original link to way more than 100 people and then let us be in a race. So unbeknownst to us, they had us competing to beat the clock to get it submitted. I never would have thought that; I don't think most people would. I won't again deal with such an unprofessional orgzn.
The fact that they ostensibly offer grants.