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Latest Reviews of Funders

Morris And Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation - Washington, DC - 63 Survey Respondents
"They are very transparent and great communicators. The process is laid out very clearly."
Field Foundation Of Illinois Inc - Chicago, IL - 3 Survey Respondents
"Document all communications. Experience with this funder is inconsistent. Sample current applications have not been made available in advance (violati"
Nellie Mae Education Foundation - Quincy, MA - 150 Survey Respondents
"This funder is reliable and fair in it's distribution of funds. They support our youth's education and activity endeavors and look to be a con"
Walter And Elise Haas Fund - San Francisco, CA - 52 Survey Respondents
"Go to an inquiry sessions"
Foundations Community Partnership Inc - Doylestown, PA - 31 Survey Respondents
"All the information that you need is available through the website or application form. It is very clearly outlined, and automated emails will be sent"
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Rating Pending
Amarillo Area Foundation Inc - Amarillo, TX - 1 Survey Respondents
Rating Pending
Hawaii Community Foundation - Honolulu, HI - 1 Survey Respondents

News & Resources

What it Really Takes to #FixTheForm: Behind the Scenes with the Initiative Foundation
by Kimberly Slipy, Initiative Foundation and Kari Aanestad, When The Initiative Foundation first began the journey of updating their grants management systems and processes two years ago, they never have could have imagined the impact that small changes would have on their community and own staff. This 34-year-old community foundation based in Little Falls, [...]
Listening – An Opportunity for Funders
by Cindy Matthews and Kelly Degering, Community First Foundation Foundations and nonprofits need one another in order to succeed in their charitable missions. Sometimes things get in the way -  like inadvertently cumbersome applications (#FixTheForm), broken contact links, misunderstanding of priorities. A primary goal of GrantAdvisor is to close the feedback loop between grantseekers and grantmakers, [...]
Why We Need to #FixTheForm
Surprise pop-up questions. Not being able to save. Applications that take 25 hours and result in $2,000. Poorly designed grant applications cost nonprofits precious time (up to 20% of full time work), create barriers and inequitable access to funding, and lead to burnout and turnover in key roles. Small changes (ie. eliminate word limits!) can [...]