Sherburne County Area United Way

1 survey respondents

Location: 231 Main St, Elk River, 55330 MN

EIN: 23-7057093

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What was the overall relationship with the funder?

How many hours did the grant application process take?

8 hours




How would you rate this funder's accessibility?



How successfully do you think the funder is accomplishing its current philanthropic goals?

Important Information

2017 Deadlines:

Types of Grants Awarded:

Geographic Focus:


Key Personnel

Financial Summary

For Fiscal Year

Total Assets:

Total Grants:

Change in Assets FY :

Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:

Sample Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits in

Largest Grant:

Smallest Grant:

Average Grant:

Top descriptors for this funder

1Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues1Risk averse

Advice from a Friend

Sherburne County Area United Way

Oct 18, 2024

Reviewer 5411 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2024

The process of this grant is extensive for the amount that they award. They also require site visits with 3 or 4 community and board members.
And then this round of grants they awarded half in 2023 and the other half was to be given in July of 2024. In October, we received a letter of regret saying that they could not fund the second half of our awarded grant. The letter went on to tell us about the other programs that they are working on though that will better our community. It was very disheartening.
In 2022, we decided not to apply because we knew they were short on funds at that time. In turn we were not listed as one of their non-profits available for workplace giving campaigns.


Doesn't "get" nonprofits and issues, Risk averse

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Sherburne County Area United Way