William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

13 survey respondents

Location: 2121 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, 94025 CA

EIN: 94-1655673

Write a Review



What was the overall relationship with the funder?

How many hours did the grant application process take?

15 hours




How would you rate this funder's accessibility?



How successfully do you think the funder is accomplishing its current philanthropic goals?

Important Information

2017 Deadlines:

Types of Grants Awarded:

Geographic Focus:


Key Personnel

Financial Summary

For Fiscal Year

Total Assets:

Total Grants:

Change in Assets FY :

Amount of Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits:

Sample Grants to Minnesota Nonprofits in

Largest Grant:

Smallest Grant:

Average Grant:

Top descriptors for this funder

7Positive leader in the field6Builds relationships6Insightful5"Gets" nonprofits and issues5Gives more than money5Responsive4Culturally sensitive4Friendly4Worth the time to pitch3Risk taker2Bureaucratic2Culturally incompetent

Advice from a Friend

William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

Jul 20, 2017

Reviewer 904 - Professional in the field

They like to have some bak-and-forth communication, which could take longer than you'd like, but if you're patient, it can improve your chances of getting what you need.


Gives more than money, Insightful, Builds relationships, Responsive

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Jun 23, 2017

Reviewer 936 - Grant Applicant - applied in 2016

Be clear on your specific outcomes as it relates to your mission. Seek guidance and feedback (and take it).


Positive leader in the field, Gives more than money, Risk taker, Culturally sensitive, Insightful, "Gets" nonprofits and issues, Openminded

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Jan 24, 2017 1

Reviewer 624 - Partner or work closely with this funder

After my program officer left, no one would answer my emails or phone calls for months.


Difficult to work with

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William & Flora Hewlett Foundation